
You’re Not Crazy, and Neither Am I!

As a motorcycle rider, I sometimes feel alone with the thought that far too many drivers on our roads these days are reckless and/or...

Changes to New York’s Driver Violation Point System

By Chris Genovese, the “Marketing Guy” We talk and write quite a bit about the dangers caused on our roads by drivers that are...

Santa Is a Biker

By Chris Genovese, the “Marketing Guy” Growing up, I was told that Santa Claus was a “jolly old elf” (not my words). They said...

Riders Ask Governor Hochul to Sign the Grieving Families Act

A recent petition created by a grieving mother that lost her motorcycle-riding-son in a Hudson Valley collision on August 11th again highlighted the...
motorcycle in autumn

Looking Ahead as Riding Season Winds Down

By Chris Genovese, the “Marketing Guy” Fall is officially my favorite part of the riding season, and I’ve said it many times. I mean,...

Proud Sponsor of High Rev Racing

By Chris Genovese, the “Marketing Guy” When we were brainstorming ideas for the 2024 riding season, the items on our list all fell into...
Motorcycle rider wearing shorts and a t-shirt

Mid Summer Thoughts on Safety

By Attorney Steve Kantor In the heat of summer, extreme temperatures are dangerous for motorcycle riders.  When the temperature is 85 degrees outside it...
Motorcycle riders and members of the Combat Vets Motorcycle Association move together down the road in staggered formation to raise awareness for Veteran Suicide.

CVMA® 19-6 Annual 22-0 Ride

By Attorney Christina Gullo The Kantor Gullo Law Firm prides itself on riding with you since 2005. But that does not just mean we...
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