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By: Christina Gullo As fall approaches, I cannot help but to look back and reflect on what an incredible riding season 2022 was.   This season, I was fortunate enough to attend a number of incredible local events. In May, I was honored to have the opportunity...
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Steve Schonour from Hard Tales and Steve Kantor enjoying a day of golf at the JC Seneca Foundation Charity Tournament
By: Chris Genovese As I sit here writing, our esteemed publisher, Steve, is letting folks know via email that our articles are due, and that he’s in Sturgis having a great time. So as I look forward to hearing his stories and seeing his pictures in...
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A judge's gavel and two books
By: Steve Kantor Followers of this space know that The Kantor Law Firm has been reporting on the status of the Creto-Kade legislation and the SLEEP Act.  Creto-Kade is legislation that would penalize inattentive drivers who turn left in front of motorcycles and other vehicles. This...
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A road that has a badly degraded surface due to erosion
By: Christina Gulllo I am going to ask you to picture a scenario that is unfortunately happening all too often.  It’s a beautiful day, so you decide to take your bike out for a cruise, with no particular destination in mind. As you’re out riding, you...
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Sign for an emergency room at a hospital
By Christina Gullo The beginning of the 2022 motorcycle riding season has already been marked with an increased number of serious injuries and deaths among motorcycle riders.  With each client we speak to, we often hear the same collective themes amongst injured riders, most commonly...
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