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Reading the information provided within this website, and/or completing the site’s “contact us” form does not create a client relationship with the Kantor Gullo Law Firm. As a matter of policy, the firm does not accept new clients without first exploring potential conflicts of interest (for example, when we’ve already been hired by another party that is involved in a vehicle collision), and signing a retainer agreement. Please do not use this website to provide confidential information to the Kantor Gullo Law Firm about a pending case or any other legal matter.
No information found on this website regarding the results of any previous cases should be considered to be a guarantee of future results. The content in these pages is intended only to convey the experience of our attorneys and their ability to achieve results based on the unique circumstances of these specific cases. The outcome of any pending or future cases will always be based on the case’s specific facts and legal circumstances, as well as other factors that will vary from case to case and unexpected developments that are beyond the control of our attorneys.