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A motorcycle rider in retroreflective rain gear sits on a red Ducati Panagale sport bike
“Ride it like you’re invisible,” might be some of the best advice that any new rider can receive. We’ve all heard it and likely repeated it, and now it seems to be even more appropriate when you consider the results of a recent study from...
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As a motorcycle rider, I sometimes feel alone with the thought that far too many drivers on our roads these days are reckless and/or aggressive
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By Chris Genovese, the “Marketing Guy” We talk and write quite a bit about the dangers caused on our roads by drivers that are either aggressive, distracted, or otherwise reckless, and how that affects us as motorcycle riders. A lot of that conversation focuses on...
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By Chris Genovese, the “Marketing Guy” Growing up, I was told that Santa Claus was a “jolly old elf” (not my words). They said he worked hard and climbed the professional/social ladder of elves, eventually putting himself in charge of distributing gifts to “good kids”...
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A recent petition created by a grieving mother that lost her motorcycle-riding-son in a Hudson Valley collision on August 11th again highlighted the unbearable injustices faced by family members who lose a loved one due to the negligence of others.  Her emotional stress from...
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