By Attorney Steve Kantor

In the heat of summer, extreme temperatures are dangerous for motorcycle riders.  When the temperature is 85 degrees outside it feels like 105 degrees on a bike with the engine idling and the sun beating down on the pavement heating up below.  Make sure you stay hydrated.  Heat exhaustion is very common in hot summer weather.  Try to avoid riding during the hottest hours of the day which is usually in the mid-afternoon to late afternoon.  It is extremely important to stay hydrated especially on longer rides.

If you are going to ride, at some point you are going to caught in a rainstorm.  Rain not only reduces your visibility but it also loosens your tires grip on the road which could be very dangerous.  If you are caught in the rain, it is important to realize that the most dangerous time is right after the rain starts.  This is because the rain causes oil residue on the pavement to rise to the top which can make the roads extra slick.  Try and avoid any sudden maneuvers and be careful when braking and steering.

Attorney Steve Kantor sits on his Harley Davidson 120th Anniversary Edition Heritage Softail among other riders during the 2023 Bikers Unite for MercyFlight Run, September 16, 2023
Wear protective gear in the summer that is vented to allow for better air flow to your skin.

Watch out for potholes and other road hazards.  There are two seasons in Western New York, Winter and pothole season.  Potholes that you might not notice in a car could pose a serious danger when on a motorcycle. If you can’t avoid them, try and reduce speed as much possible before encountering them with minimal steering input.

Remember that we should consider ourselves invisible to cars.  Practice defensive driving and ensure that you keep adequate distance between you and the vehicles around you.  The Kantor Gullo Law Firm has seen that the majority of motorcycle accidents are from sudden left turns in front of a vehicle. 

To combat the left turn problem, we have attempted to educate the public through our Look Before You Left campaign.  This campaign was intended to raise awareness from car drivers as well as motorcyclists that there is an epidemic of left turn incidents.  A Bill was introduced in the NYS Senate to increase penalties for the sudden improper left turns.  Unfortunately, although the Bill passed in the NYS Senate it did not pass in the NYS Assembly.  During the 2025 session we will be working with our partners at ABATE to try and get the reintroduced Bill through the legislature.  As you may be aware ABATE is the lobbying organization that seeks to protect the rights of motorcycle riders. If you want to join in the fight for preservation of motorcyclist’s rights, join ABATE.

Lastly, we at the Kantor Gullo Law Firm preach motorcycle safety. Unfortunately, inattentive drivers cause collisions which result in serious injuries. If you or your family are involved in any personal injury matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Kantor Gullo Law Firm at 716-626-0404 or send us an email message through this site at

Ride Safe!

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