By: Steve Kantor
The 2022 riding season is winding down. Nevertheless, November may provide opportunities for fall foliage rides. The Fall presents a series of its own hazards and here are some things you should be aware of.
Beware of leaf piles. With the change in colors and falling leaves, large leaf piles accumulate on the margins of the roadways. These often blow into the roadway and may be wet and cause a traction hazard. If possible, avoid operating your motorcycle near leaf piles.
One of the rides I most enjoy is a trip down to Ellicottville in the Fall. The changing colors can be breathtaking, but this beauty can also be a distraction. Make sure you are operating your vehicle in a safe manner and do not get distracted by taking your eyes off the road for long periods of time. If you need to, pull over, take a break.

Although they may be hazardous all year round, Fall is a peak time for deer to be crossing. Be advised that deer do not often travel by themselves but often travel several at a time. Therefore, if you spot one deer there are most likely several other deer nearby. Safely avoiding one deer does not mean that you have completely avoided the remaining pack.
If you see a deer, slow down your motorcycle as soon as you notice deer in your path. I recommend that you break firmly but not too sharply and hold your bike steady as to not swerve into another lane. Time permitting, honk your horn with one long blast to alert the deer you are approaching and hopefully scare it from your path.
The Kantor Law Firm has been promoting passage of the Creto-Kade’s Law under the “Look Before You Left” website. The bill passed in the New York State Senate, and unfortunately was not brought to the floor in the Assembly. Shout out to Senator Tim Kennedy for his support in the Senate. The Kantor Law firm has been meeting with legislative leaders from the Assembly to ensure that 2023 is the year that Creto-Kade becomes law. Look Before You Left is intended to educate motorists that they need to look before they make a left turn as that is a significant cause of motorcycle accidents. We sincerely appreciate all of the support the WNY community has provided the Look Before You Left Campaign, and hope that it will continue into 2023.
We wish everyone a safe and healthy Thanksgiving and look forward to riding with you in 2023. Be Safe!